About 35 participants from local and international NGO’s met under the theme “forced evictions and urban displacement” in Soweto between 17-20 July 2017 to learn more about local experiences in...
As a country we need to prioritise the acquisition and development of land for settlement purposes if we are to make any impact on the demand for housing. Between 1994...
Afesis-corplan has been promoting the concept of managed land settlement (MLS) for a number of years. MLS is where government allows people to settle on (semi) serviced land with basic...
By Ronald Eglin June 2017 A lot still needs to be done to find solutions for securing land tenure and housing for farm dwellers around South Africa. This emerged from...
A co-operative is where a group of people (homeless, consumers, unemployed) come together to address a common need (houses, cheap food, jobs) through a jointly owned and democratically controlled organisation...
Afesis-corplan Minister Nkwinti’s 2017 Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Budget vote speech is a huge anticlimax. At a time when the land question is re-emerging as a key issue...
Afesis-corplan June 2017 “Evictions that lead to homelessness are unlawful, even if they are agreed to by all of the residents who stand to be evicted”. These are the findings...
#COMMUNITYFIRST was the brainchild of the Scenery Park Phase 3 beneficiaries as a symbol of their demand to participate and be included in the development of their own houses. The...