Accessing Bulk Land

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The following series of documents, commissioned by Afesis-corplan, provide information on accessing bulk land on which incremental settlement – or Managed Land Settlement – can take place.

Get public land

  • Improve quality of land related information and ability of public to access this information – Land Data Bases : This report focuses on who keeps what information in relation to land and how this information can be accessed by the public.
  • Improve procedure for transferring land from one entity to another – Land Acquisition : This document provides a brief discussion on the steps to be followed in the acquisition of land to assist with understanding the land acquisition process specifically for public-funded/co-funded settlement development purposes.

Get private land

  • Consider how to make better use of expropriation – Expropriation :  The paper looks at various debates within expropriation literature and discussions including for example, who can expropriate, for what purposes and how compensation is determined; and makes recommendations for how expropriation can be used to improve low income housing settlement development processes.

Improve planning

  • Increase understanding of how municipal planning works – Municipal Planning : This report looks at what is involved in Municipal planning. Municipal planning is first located within the broader legislative framework. Various aspects of municipal planning are then divided into those relating to forward planning and those relating to Land Use Management. The report ends with a checklist you can use to determine how you can participate in the municipal planning process.
  • Use SDF’s to improve procedures for accessing land – Spatial Development Frameworks : The report deals with the question of whether the Spatial Development Framework process has been an effective planning instrument in ensuring that the planning outcomes such as that of providing land for subsidized housing has been realized.

Improve whole settlement development process

  • Address bottlenecks in housing delivery pipeline – Housing Delivery Process  This report provides  a summary of the challenges / issues / problems identified in the Human Settlement Development Programme and project cycle and proceeds to make recommendations on possible solutions for each.


Written By

Junior Developer who works under Fezile