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Citizen-based Monitoring of Frontline Service Delivery Revised Toolkit for Freedom House South Africa

Afesis-corplan are proud to have revised the toolkit for Freedom House South Africa, titled: Citizen-based Monitoring of Frontline Service Delivery Toolkit. This toolkit was originally developed in 2017 with an...

Radio Interview on Municipal Budgeting

[Audio] Afesis-corplan local governance programme officer Lindokuhle Vellem spoke to Alfred Nzo FM on Sunday October 20, 2019 on issues relating to municipal budget processes.

Illegal electricity connections in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, can we blame communities? by Qhamani Neza...

Municipal planning processes continue to limit informal settlement dwellers from accessing electricity legally, writes Programme Officer, Qhamani Tshazi. To view the article click here. #UpgradeInformalSettlementsNow

Annual Report 2018

Afesis-corplan is proud to present it's Annual Report for 2018. Click here to view the PDF.  

To vote or not to vote

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Renewed Commitment to Upgrading of Informal Settlements

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Only 20 percent of Eastern Cape’s “First Time Voters” registered to vote

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Annual Report 2017

Afesis-corplan is proud to present our Annual Report for 2017. Find out about all the exciting projects we are working on and the progress, successes, lowlights and lessons we are...

The narrative that continues to associate state capture with Zuma is a lazy one

By Nontando Ngamlana There has been great public interest in the phenomenon dubbed ‘state capture’ since the revelation of the Gupta influence on ministerial and other senior institutional leadership appointments....

Glenmore Sports Field Refurbishment

[IN CASE YOU MISSED IT]: Here’s our Executive Director, Nontando Ngamlana's widely publicised media statement on the refurbishment of the Glenmore Sports Field by the Ngqushwa Local Municipality. Click to...