Call to prioritise land acquisition and development in BCMM IDP

Home|News|Call to prioritise land acquisition and development in BCMM IDP

Ronald Eglin attended a Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM) IDP consultative forum meeting on 30 March 2017.  In this meeting Afesis-corplan called on the BCMM to redirect funding towards land acquisition and development so as to make inroads into the housing needs of the city.  Afesis-corplan made a similar call in September 2016 (see IDP submission here ). At the forum meeting Stats SA indicated that, according to the Community Household Survey of 2016, about 60,000 (that is 25 %) of the 253,000 households in Buffalo City live in informal houses.  Assuming that this represents a housing need, that means that at current and anticipated future delivery rates of about 1,200 government subsidised houses being built a year it will take about 50 years to address this housing backlog.  See the following link for a presentation given at the forum meeting by the acting municipal manager, Mr Naidoo, on the BCMM priorities.

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Junior Developer who works under Fezile