Bid Number AFESIS032024 – The review and enhancement of existing training manuals and the rollout of training on local governance with emphasis on strengthening capacity for social accountability

Home|Tender|Bid Number AFESIS032024 – The review and enhancement of existing training manuals and the rollout of training on local governance with emphasis on strengthening capacity for social accountability

AFESIS intends to engage suitably qualified and competent service providers to review its
local government training manuals, and to roll out a training of trainers, as part of its Kagisano
programme. Kagisano is a programme implemented by AFESIS and its partners across 16
sites located in six Provinces in South Africa. The Programme seeks to strengthen the
resilience of the sixteen partner communities by supporting efforts aimed at building social
cohesion and community-initiated violence prevention.
Afesis invites service providers with experience in local government-specific training and those
with demonstrable skill and experience in training material development to respond to this call.

Bids will be selected based on a price-quality criteria explained in detail in the description of
the evaluation criteria attached herein.

This Request for Quotation (RFQ) is in two parts. The first section presents instructions to
Service Providers (Section I), while the second part (Section II) presents the Terms of
Reference (ToR) for this assignment.

Interested parties should submit bids in English to on or before 28
March 2024. A bid comprises of both the Technical Quotation as well as a Financial Quotation.