Farm Dweller Tenure Security and Housing

Home|News|Farm Dweller Tenure Security and Housing

By Ronald Eglin

June 2017

A lot still needs to be done to find solutions for securing land tenure and housing for farm dwellers around South Africa. This emerged from a learning and sharing event organised by the Association for Rural Advancement (AFRA) on 14 June 2017 in Pietermaritzburg on farm dweller tenure security and housing that Ronald Eglin attended.  It was also noted at this event that there is much overlap between the issues that farm dwellers and informal settlement residents are dealing with

A  Pathways Out of Poverty: improving farm dwellers’ tenure security and access to housing and services report as well as a report on Land Rights Adjudication: developing principles and processes for ESTA and labour tenant rights’ holders were circulated at this event.

Development practitioners and communities dealing with tenure insecurity issues in both rural and urban areas need to share their experiences and support each other in finding solutions to secure land tenure rights of people living on farms and in informal settlements..

Written By

Junior Developer who works under Fezile