On 23 – 24 March 2017, Sibulele Poswayo and Ronald Eglin attended a two day conference to look at partnerships for implementing the National Development Plan (NDP), organised by Fort Hare Solutions, the National Planning Commission (NPC) and the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality. The NPC working with the Department of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, the United Nations Development Programme and others are looking for opportunities for partnering with stakeholders to manage the implementation of the NDP Vision 2030.
In the process leading up to the production of the Eastern Cape Provincial Development Plan (ECDP) Afesis-corplan advised the Eastern Cape Planning Commission on the role of Civil Society in development. Afesis-corplan is now exploring further opportunities to contribute towards implementing the NDP and the ECDP as well as finding ways to localise these plans within the Integrated Development Planning processes of municipalities.
Copies of presentations given at the conference can be found here:
- Infusing the NDP goals into the new IDP – SALGA
- The NGO’s experience in the implementation of the National Development Plan 2030 – ECNGOC
- The role of Universities in implementing the NDP – UFH
- EC Socio-Economic profile – Stats SA
- Progress on Implementation of the National Development Plan and Provincial Development Plan- Office of the Premier, MEC