Parliaments High level Panel on Key Legislation – Land Committee

Home|Afesis in Action|Parliaments High level Panel on Key Legislation – Land Committee

Afesis-corplan continues to engage with other organisation towards ensuring that  recommendations relating to amendments on the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act (Act 31 of 1996) also recognises the informal tenure rights of people living in informal settlements, and ensuring that proposed draft legislation on new land records legislation (that makes provision for government recording of off-register land rights for people living in communal areas) can also be applied in the context of the upgrading of informal settlements. Afesis-corplan is also calling for any new land redistribution legislation to also recognise that land for human settlements needs to be conceptualised as a component of any land redistribution programme, and that spatial justice and spatial restructuring (of old apartheid settlement patterns to a more integrated settlement pattern) should be a key principle and objective of any future land reform and land redistribution programme.

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Junior Developer who works under Fezile