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[BOOKLET] Creating a Layout Plan through Re-Blocking

This guide was developed in 2022 by the Afesis-corplan Basic Services team to simplify the re-blocking process. Re-blocking is a collaborative process between communities and municipalities where plot and street...

[MEDIA STATEMENT]: Afesis-corplan welcomes new COGTA minister, but warns against cosmetic changes in cabinet

Afesis-corplan welcomes the appointment of the new Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) Minister, Ms. Thembi Nkadimeng. Having previously served as the deputy minister of COGTA, president of SALGA and...

16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM: “A Gift to Women” – Mpho Ya Basadi

Kagisano, a programme implemented by Afesis-corplan with various partner organisations across the country, aims to organise activities geared towards preventing collective violence in communities and promoting social cohesion. One of...

Ronald Eglin: Sisulu’s new plan for informal settlements and formal housing a welcome break with...

Read the OPINION piece (link below) by Ronald Eglin, Specialist: Sustainable Settlements at Afesis-corplan.

Civil Society Response to the Auditor-General’s 2018/19 Report

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Afesis-corplan comments on BCMM SDF

Afesis-corplan submitted comments on the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality’s (BCMM) draft Spatial Development Framework (SDF) which was gazetted on 14 September 2020.  Find a copy of Afesis-corplan’s submission here.  You...

Click on the link below to read an OPINION piece by Nontando Ngamlana, the Executive Director at Afesis-corplan.


Qhamani Neza Tshazi: Approach to redressing spatial inequity flawed

Click on the link below to read an OPINION piece by Qhamani Tshazi, a Programme Officer for Sustainable Settlements at Afesis-corplan.

#ASIVIKELANE progress report – Informal settlement voices matter

For the past four months since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, Afesis-corplan has been working with 87 households sharing water and ablution facilities in 35 informal settlements communities...

Ronald Eglin: Unauthorised land occupation in our cities – Why demolishing is not the answer

THE following are edited extracts of an article by Ronald Eglin published in the Daily Dispatch newspaper on 20 February 2018 shortly after members of the public flocked to an...