Land Expropriation Without Compensation and Land Speculation

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Focus areas

Local Governance


Afesis-corplan together with its civil society partners are working on an initiative aimed at exploring effective ways for citizens to engage meaningfully in local governance. This emanates from years of working in the local governance sector where gaps with the present participatory mechanisms have been noted.

Click here for more info on our deepening participatory local governance project

Click here for more about the programmes involvement with Civil Societies response to the Auditor General’s Report

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Programme Objectives

1. To strengthen the ability of local structures to develop and maintain transparent, credible, and peaceful conflict resolution mechanisms.
2. Empowering communities to participate in and own conflict resolution mechanisms.
3. Fostering organic opportunities to bring people together around areas of common concern.
4. Working with schools in the community to develop ‘safe spaces’ for learners to find reprieve from violence while inculcating them with conflict management skills; and
5. Integrating community healing platforms to address individual and collective trauma crippling communities and contributing to violence.

Outcomes and results

  • A significant reduction in the number of incidents of collective violence in target sites.
  • An increased number and diversity of organisations, in target sites, consciously working towards addressing a commonly identified vision that includes a commitment to a more peaceful and socially cohesive.
  • A significant reduction in youth-related violence; and increased conflict management skills amongst youth in target sites
  • Increased safety of women and youth in target sites
  • An increased ability of community leaders in target sites to respond to and mitigate against violence and promote peace using the community-centric method
  • A reduction in the number of people in target sites who believe the presence of foreign nationals in their community is a significant contributor to their living challenges
  • Increases in average student test scores in targeted schools, particularly of those students who had been primary victims of violence in the past

Theory of change

  • Changing mindsets and behaviour;
  • Changing policy and legislature; and
  • Changing living conditions
Written By

Junior Developer who works under Fezile